Article Discusses CLDEF Brief Filed For Former Attorney General Ed Meese Supporting Gen. Flynn

admin Other Constitutional Cases, Press Coverage

The article begins: ” Edwin Meese, former attorney general under President Ronald Reagan, filed his own brief along with the Conservative Legal Defense and Education Fund in support of Flynn. The conservatives’ brief highlights an indelible moment between Flynn and Sullivan in 2018, when the judge said to the defendant in open court, “Arguably, you sold your country out.” Meese argued that the motion to dismiss was unusual, but not extraordinary, and that it is Attorney General William Barr’s responsibility to “terminate a baseless prosecution in the interest of justice.”

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World Net Daily Describes CLDEF brief as Giving a Refresher Course to Court in Who Writes Laws

admin Press Coverage

CLDEF’s Brief in the Zarda v. Altitude Express was the focus of an article in World Net Daily.  The article begins:  “It’s Congress that writes the laws; the courts only interpret them.  So suggests a brief in a court fight that is quickly heating up over whether a 1960s law, Title VII, protects employees from gender-orientation discrimination.”

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CLDEF General Counsel on NPR Radio Show “To the Point”

admin Press Coverage

This afternoon, CLDEF General Counsel Bill Olson was a guest of Warren Olney, host of “To the Point.”  The topic of the radio show was the “Politics and the rights of gay, lesbian and transgender Americans.”  Bill’s comments focused on CLDEF’s amicus brief opposing judicial usurpation of legislative power in Zarda v. Altitude Express.  He also defended President Trump’s recent Tweet about “transgendered” persons serving in the military.  The show is archived at: